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Wild Song Women's Retreat

Wild Song Women's Retreat: Freeing the Authentic Voice with Maya Love.


Saturday 18th May 10am - 6pm and Sunday 19th May 10am - 5pm.

At: Avalon Permaculture Gardens Greenhouse Healing Room.


An opportunity to unlock your authentic voice in its raw potential, clearing the way for empowered expression in singing and in all areas of your life. This is a deep dive into your unique personal instrument, using breathing and full body, vocal techniques to open up to a new relationship with your natural, wild voice - your channel of creativity.

Maya is an experienced facilitator, performer and vocal coach who holds a beautiful, safe space, allowing depth as well as freedom, healing and fun!


Fee: £225 including veggie lunch on both days. Limited concessions (£180) available. £70 deposit. Contact: 07999 858894 or: dragonsfly26(at)



“I shall never forget witnessing Maya leading a kind of ‘singing out your grief’ workshop with a choir of about 30 at the Festival of Death and Dying. It was truly extraordinary. Rarely have I seen such a deep connection between music and the soul; a total harmonic outpouring, and a soul bearing. It’s like Maya is both an astonishing music maker/music catalyser, and also a kind of shaman. I cannot stress this strongly enough. She has unique gifts as musician, healer, harmoniser (in all senses of the word). No-one can get a bunch of people to SING like she can, and simultaneously to heal.”



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